Friday, June 25, 2010

Remembering Mom

Tomorrow it will be 18 years since my mama went to be with Jesus. I can't believe it has been so long but even time never fully fills the whole for a Mama's Love.
My mom was a pretty amazing lady! Mary Elizabeth Doster Damon, she was an English teacher who loved kids that the rest of the world gave up on. She loved doing crafts, sewing, football, poetry, art of all kinds, her family, gummy worms, chocolate malts ( like nobody 's business), her kids, her Bible and most of all Jesus! My mom would give you the shirt off her back and there were many times I would come home and she had given something away of mine that someone needed. My friends loved my mom and and they were often there with her when I wasn't even home.
One of my favorite birthdays I ever had was that my mom took me to some garage sells and bought all these baby clothes and things for my doll. ( I loved my doll )
Another memory I have is when my little friend and I ( 3rd grade ??) stole money from my friends grandmother and of course we were clean cold busted! I remember feeling so utterly ashamed of what I had done and I remember that I cried a lot because of the shame. That night my mom made me a special dinner that I loved. I didn't deserve her love and forgiveness that night but yet she set a table for me. This is what God does for us in Christ! We do not deserve His love and forgiveness but he gives it to us and offers us a feast!
My mom loved Jesus and I would often come into her room and she would have her Bible out and she would sing......Soon and very soon we are going to see the King!
My mom was a broken women who struggled through this life and there were times that were very painful and hard but in remembering her tonight, I remember and honor even the pain and joy of our life together.
I miss her not just on holiday's and birthdays but on those days that you just want the love only a mother can touch. I have to trust Jesus fuller and deeper on those days.
My joy is that one day I will see her again in a glorified body and I will Jesus and He will wipe away every tear!
I long for that day and soon and very soon we will see our King!
All Glory and Praise to Him!!!