Sunday, April 26, 2009

Waiting For The Best

Yesterday I went down to the Franklin main Street Festival. The day was beautiful and I was with one of my favorite friends and we had high hopes for the day. One the way down to the festival we talked of our great and healthy dinner we would prepare after we left Franklin. Grilled salmon, veggies, and a crispy salad we proclaimed!! The moment I started to walk around the festival I was eyeing the funnel cakes and Philly cheeses steaks that seemed like the better route to go. I said to my friend " this calls for a money withdrawal." We headed up the street to the ATM and I had my heart set on barbecue at this point. I withdrew my money and headed off to get my juicy sandwich from my barbecue vendor. We got to the stand and they had sample plates in which you could choose. None of the choices looked too hot and it looked like bad prison food. With great disappointment and encouragement from my friend I moved on to search for something better. We walked along the way looking for the one thing that we could fill our hearts desire. A few minutes later I spotted another barbecue vendor and I was elated! Dreams do come true!!! I got my sandwich and it was the best barbecue I have eaten.It was worth the wait!!
I often do this in my own life with other things. I say to God I want this and I want it now and I am not willing to wait out for the best. I cash in at the first vendor I see, when God says to me He has a better thing around the corner for me. I live as though He is withholding from me. I live like an orphan with no father. I do not believe He has the best for me.
I had no idea that there would be a better sandwich waiting for me but there was and it was so worth waiting for. Now, I just have to trust that He has this in all areas of my life. He delights to give me the best and I know it is worth waiting for!!